Friday, February 03, 2023

Dreams, dreams.

 Yesterday Dada made it downstairs before the Damonater left for his oh-butt-ugly bus time and announced, "I had SUCH a weird dream last night. I was cutting my toenails..." He proceeds to tell the story about a gecko coming out of a hole in his toe. Way too much weirdness for me pre-coffee. Then this morning I awoke from a dream that our superintendent called to announce a delay due to freezing cold temps. Imagine my dismay when, upon checking the news and my Twitter feed, I discovered no such declaration had been made. Bah. It's past cold out there and solidly in the category of "friggin' ridiculous" but we got Thing Three on the bus on time just the same. The small dog is whining to go out. Fool. I tried to keep them in as long as possible to give Mr. Sun a chance to help a bit. Alas, it's time to get on the stick! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and stay warm and toasty and safe!

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