Friday, February 24, 2023

Three guesses


It's Friday! Let's play a game. I'll give you clues and you guess what's going on at our house. 

                                                                               Clue #1:

Clue #2:

Lest there be any wild rumors flying around, those are not pregnancy tests. Those, my friends who may yet be uninitiated, are covid 19 tests and they read positive. 

Those are the final two of the five in our household. Full house. What do we win?

Damon reported feeling sick to his nurse at school last Friday. She called me and said he should come home. He spent the weekend coughing and sleeping. Upon taking his covid test, he started off the chain of positives.  Friday the right side of my sinuses were blocked up and annoying, and I'd started to sneeze. Our winds all weekend were around 20+ mph so I assumed the wind was bringing whatever from wherever and the dogs were bringing it inside for me to be allergic to more conveniently. We watched church from our couch and stayed in, going through our stock of Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup (the kids) and the homemade soups I'd made (grownups- the kids refuse to try them). We should purchase stock in Campbell's... maybe we'd get some of our money back.

Liam succumbed next, but only because he tested before Dada, who also left work early on Tuesday because his boss didn't want him contaminating anyone. Love her. Five stars. Highly recommend. 

Finally, the last two of us standing gave in and received our positives. Joined the club, as it were. My sinuses had gone from feeling solid on the right side to doing the Cha Cha Slide anytime I rolled over: "Sliiiiiiiide to the left. Sliiiiiide to the right." God forbid I attempt to bend over. 

Dada and Thing One take the awards for worst coughs. They both sound like a kid named Jeremy from my neighborhood growing up. I commented that to my brother and he guffawed and said that kid should be The Example for horrible coughs, that you could hear him along an entire quadrant of the neighborhood. Since that was 40ish  years ago, the kid made quite an impression!

Needless to say, we are drinking tons of water and taking our meds and sneaking in naps and taking it easy. We held off until Year Three before succumbing for our first round, but apparently the Borg were right: resistance is futile.

In all seriousness, we are doing okay. We've had offers of help and with all the delivery systems in place we certainly won't starve to death anytime soon. Damon went back to school today after morphing back into his mostly cheerful, squirrely self. His nurse said he could report back on Thursday but I felt he needed another day to rest. I figured one school day and then a weekend ought to be just about right. Here's hoping he remembers to bring home everything he needs to catch up on, and thank heavens there was no school on Monday so it was a short week. 

I felt less sick with covid than I did with the flu (also in February, several years ago), but I did have moments of chemo-like brain fog and energy drain. I felt like someone had dialed my energy level way down, but noticed that, as usual, I felt better with movement. We haven't been going for our walks and I miss that, but I know enough to take it easy until we are fully back to ourselves. I figured if we'd all been healthy, it would have snowed two feet and there wouldn't have been school anyway to it all evens out.

I also noticed that I didn't have a muted sense of smell or taste until about Wednesday night even though my sneezing and sinus issues started last Friday. Really couldn't taste much this morning. Fireball candies are still hot but less... zesty? Zippy? Cinnamony? At least they didn't fry my mouth and sinuses like they did during chemo, haha!

The real question is: where are we booking a vacation next February so we can get away from this ridiculous weather and these germs!?

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