Monday, June 19, 2023

Garden is in, yay!

 Northwest Ohio has a late frost free date, around Memorial Day, so you have to be careful about who goes into the garden and when. You can get all your cooler weather loving plants in, but you don't want to freeze anybody tiny who doesn't like it. I cheated this year and bought marigolds and some other stuff from a fundraiser to save myself some time, and finally got them into the garden with my baby tomatoes right on time. This robin kept getting closer and closer and I told him he'd better leave the garden some of the worms and not hog them all!

It was so nice to get out in hot weather finally! We'd still been wearing our winter coats some mornings in May at the bus stop, so when Mr. Sun finally decided to turn things up, I was more than ready.

I think this little guy got caught by the rototiller and it made me sad. I buried him under a zinnia seedling. I hope I find some more this summer. It'd been really dry and the ground is so cracked and crumbly that it can't feel good to be slithering around on. I know my bare feet were having a rough time as I was planting!

My lupine were gorgeous and full. I can't wait to salvage seeds and try them in some other spots. They're really happy behind the garage and they're very slowly spreading out. I'd be content if they take over the whole patch. Our onions never do anything anyway. =/

I'm happiest in dirt or sand. You know it was a good day if you have filthy feet, haha!

Snapdragons and some other colorful friends!

Marigolds and the three others are some kind of red salvia.

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