Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Friday night lights

It's that time of year again for all things pumpkin spice Friday night football!
I used to go to some of my own high school football games to socialize. I've never been competitive, so the actual fact that there was a game being played made no difference to me. I'd get home and PaPa would ask, "what was the score?"
"No idea. But I saw so and so and such and such and..."
"Who did they play?"
"Uhhh... hmmm. I dunno!"
World's Worst Fan, right here. 
Sorry, team. I'm just here for the band...  

That's our sax player and his friend at the bottom of the photo above. And Dada made it back from a work trip in time to see the second half after being gone all week. Wahooo! And our guys won, bonus. 


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