Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Over the hump day~

Typical Wednesday for us today. We got some more snow last night so everything is BRIGHT today and sunny. We might head to Kroger & Payless (we still need boots for her) since it's pretty out, but I'll have her nap first and then go. She's slept until 10 AM the last two days... I think it's another growth spurt. Wish she'd grow OUT some instead of constantly UP! She did devour her mashed potatoes last night and her oatmeal this morning, so maybe some of them will stick! Here's hoping. She's teasing me with her fish sandwich right now:

"Do you want more?"
*shakes head*
I set sandwich down.
"Oh, you DO want more."
*shakes head*
I set sandwich down.
(repeat above 17 times)
"Well come get it then!"
*shakes head*

...I think she's learning "no"... *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

Have a super over the hump day!

1 comment:

Mary Alice said...

I'm waiting for Carrie to be a big sister and teach her little sib how to say NO! ;)