Monday, April 17, 2023

Here you go, Mom =)

Y'all can thank my mother for the prompt of spring family pictures. She's full of good ideas!
Without scrolling through the rest of the photos, can you guess who's who?

There's a completely ridiculous board game called Munchkin that our kids and Dada very much enjoy. I don't have the attention span for the ridiculousness, though I get a kick out of the art. It has cards like "Boots of Buttkicking" and "The Gazebo". Whenever our crew sees a gazebo, they murmur, "you must face the gazebo ALONE." I'd asked Damon to pose in front of it with his dukes up but he thought that was dumb and therefore declined. I got a picture of him with the Gazebo anyway; I win!

Aww, reinforcements to face the Gazebo!

Dada and I found a flowerful tree!

Artsy Thing One above and all 3 wild Thingz below

Liam and his yellow hoodie by some of his favorites. That kid has always loved yellow. He used to enthusiastically screech, "FOR-SIFF-I-A" anytime we drove past a forsythia bush. Daffodils make him happy. 

 It was either be in the shade and squinting into the sun or shadowed out with the sun behind us. Alas, somewhere there's gotta be benches situated in a more photo-friendly positioning!

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