Wednesday, August 23, 2023

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Back to school, wahoooooooooo!

In all seriousness, we've had a fabulous summer and while I'm sad it's coming to an end, I'm excited for these guys as they start their new adventures. 
Thing Three started eighth grade (!!!) yesterday and lived to tell the tale, so today's photo was "Day One, Part Deux" for him though today was Thing Two's first day. His group of seniors had their picture taken with a sign declaring, "It's our LAST first day!" While the photo is adorable, I don't know enough of them to know if they'd be okay with me sharing their children online so you'll just have to imagine Thing Two with 4 other boys and 5 girls. A perfect 10!

Yesterday we took advantage of everyone else being back in school and took Tino to Great Clips for Hair-In-His-Face's back to school trim. Thing Two has Chemistry this year and will be required to pull it back and keep it away from his Bunsen burner. He cheerfully signed off on the "I understand I need to follow directions so there aren't BOOM *flames*" form and is looking forward to class. I'm not sure how we're related.

This morning:

Also this morning:


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