Tuesday, August 29, 2023

"Watch out for Never-bugs. Little ones."

The title quote is what Pan tells the smallest Lost Boy at the end of "Hook" featuring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman. Fantastic movie. I'm often aware of bugs, so I'd probably have been pretty good at those instructions.

A pretty little friend hangin' out by my broom

No, I didn't glue an eyebrow to the wall. That'd be Guillermo. I don't like the idea of him being able to kamikaze me from above whilst I'm on the throne, but what can you do? The next time I looked, he was gone.

Yesterday I harvested my lupine seeds which meant I pulled them all off the stalk parts, broke the hairy pods open, rounded up the seeds into my container. I probably had 150 pods or so. I cracked open my third-to-last one and out busts an earwig! Talk about heebie jeebies! He ran around in a frenzy on the tray where I was working and I backed up quick before he ran under the table. So glad I was almost done! 😅


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