Friday, August 04, 2023

Long, long ago…

… In a galaxy not too awful far from here, I went to church with a girl named Shanin. She was a little older than me and I remember her being bubbly and funny. 

I vividly remember being in the balcony of our church with her and her mother and more of my friends. The balcony was a great place to sit because the crinkling of our paper penny candy bags from the convenience store across the street was much less distracting when it came from between wooden chairs instead of along a wooden pew. Good times.

Anyway, what I remember about Shanin’s mom was her sparkly eyes and her big smile, and also the brilliant observation she laughingly shared:

“I love wearing slippers at home because it means I can crunch over the crumbs on the floor and ignore them a little bit longer.”

This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that I put on a pair of grippy slipper socks this morning after shuffling through crumbs in my bare feet. And dog hair. So much dog hair. And we vacuum every day. 

What I really need is a cleaning droid who could manage the steps up and down between floors. Lemme know when Roombas evolve into land rovers!

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