Friday, June 17, 2005


This kid definitely had some Gramps in her yesterday. She was such a dickens!

First of all, by the time I get out of the shower, she doesn't come running to greet me like always. It's super quiet when I step out- never a good sign! I call her, and she does come, a pen in hand. She'd swiped it off the kitchen table. By the time I come to investigate, poor "Baby" has had a complete makeover. First pen casualty!

While we are outside after Dada got home, she's determinedly trying to get the garage door up by herself (my remote doesn't work, so we have to do it manually and she's seen us do that). She comes flying back over to us where we are sitting on the front stoop yelling, "MAMA! MAMA! SEE!!!???" There is a huge BUG on the brim of her hat. I would have freaked if that had been me, but she was perfectly content to have it hang on there for dear life, waving its feelers at her. We have no idea if she put it there or if it just landed on her. Completely cracked us up.

And last but by no means least, as we adults are cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, a very quiet (once again) Care Bear is left unsupervised in the living room. Mind you, she's only wearing a diaper as it's hot and we'd been playing in the baby pool earlier- hadn't gotten around to clothes yet. She entertains herself and then comes waltzing into the kitchen. "Da." (Carrese for "there") Completely pleased with herself- she is COVERED in yogurt. She had painted her legs and torso (and much of Andrew's computer chair *sigh*) with yogurt. I took one look, turned my head away and started laughing. Scott took one look, snags her, and proceeds directly to tub, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Sadly, we didn't get a picture of that so you'll just have to use your imaginations. It's better that way anyhow- although I bet she has very soft, lovely skin from her yogurt wrap!

I can just hear Grammy & Gramps laughing & laughing. Wonder what today will bring! =D

1 comment:

wendyneric said...

How funny! I can totally see the expressions: Val turning her head and laughing and Scott grabbing Carrie and marching!! I have a couple yogurt photos I'll pass on to you too!!! Lovely!