Tuesday, June 21, 2005

First few days of Pa Pa's visit

Pa Pa's been busy! He painted the kitchen yesterday (someone remind me to get the finished pictures up here) and has been chasing Care Bear a lot. Yesterday afternoon she played in the baby pool while he wrapped up the painting project. Then while he was hosing off his roller brush, she decided that while she was still wet from the pool that she'd play in the dirt. It kept her occupied for a good 15 minutes at least. Probably would have played all day if we'd let her. So all that dirt stuck to her (especially on her legs from diaper drips) and she looked like a big dirtball by the time we decided we better rescue her for dinner. So Pa Pa hosed her off before we let her in the house. Hehe! Enjoy the pictures!

Today we had the ultrasound and the tech is pretty darn sure that this bouncing bundle is a boy! I said, "Carrie, do you know you're gonna have a little brother?" and she said, "yeeeeeeeeeahhhh!" so I guess she's excited, too. Don't ask us about names- we can't agree yet!

After the ultrasound we headed to the library to drop off books and have a tea party on the ceramic tea set they have in the children's department. The 7 year old twins there were completely tickled w/ Carrie... she made them laugh quite a bit. So we took a picture on the steps and then headed off to Buster's for lunch. They have very unique ceiling fans that keep babies very entertained and we never remember to go there, so Her Royal Highness was a good girl and ate tons. Pictures of that too.

Scott's on his way home from St. Louis, having been there since Sunday night. He missed the ultrasound, but that's okay as long as he doesn't miss the birth. Then I'd kill him. Haha. Looking forward to small group tonight & having my baby home. Hope all are well! Trying to stay cool here... Wendy, send us some rain, okay? =)


wendyneric said...

I think we're going to be getting rain for the rest of the week. And thunderstorms. I would love to send them you way. We only had one or two nice days this past week!!! Blah!

Val said...

Send it, send it! We really, really need it! =(