Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This Momentous Day...

Care Bear was a big crabpot all day yesterday for me. We went to KMart & she complained the whole time, (very unlike her), so much so that I bought two things on my list of 8-10 items and we left. Just disgusted. More of the same all afternoon- not listening, whining, yelling, hitting. Welcome to toddlerdom...

Then once Scott gets home it's like someone flips a switch. We were making homemade chocolate ice cream for small group, so we started the "dope" early so we wouldn't be up all night stirring & cranking. While I'm stirring, she pees on her potty for him!!!! First time ever. Figures, I just bought 100 more Luvs. Oh well. No success yet today, but we'll keep trying.

Then small group gets here and she's a complete charmer. Not at all the child she was all day! She sure thrives on attention. She had everyone showing her how to jump in a hopscotch grid and she even tried to crank the ice cream. Since pictures are worth a thousand words, I'll shut up now & get to the good stuff!

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