Monday, June 13, 2005

Teething Trials

After much head-scratching and frustration, we've figured out why Care Bear's been so moody & such a pain in the bum when we put her down and when she wakes up. Since last Thursday night, every time she went to bed and every time she woke up she was screaming & crying. NOT a good way to wake up a pregnant woman who is also sleeping or napping at those times of day!

She seemed much better yesterday and sure enough, peeking in there today I can see and feel both crests of the bottom 2 year molars. No idea what the top ones are doing, as that would take wrestling her to the floor (which it might come to yet), but those bottom ones are coming plain as day. At least now we know! She'd been late w/ every other set of teeth, so to have these ones come only a month after her 2nd birthday really threw me. Kids! =)

Her appetite is back too. She inhaled her macaroni & cheese at Cracker Barrel after church yesterday (can't blame her. Theirs is so good I got a side of it w/ my dinner too!), some of my mashed potatoes, some of Scott's dumplings, and some of our sourdough toast. For dinner she had green beans & strawberries. Hehe! Gotta love summertime!

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