Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What's that saying...

...about how rednecks know trouble is coming for certain when someone says, "y'all ain't never gonna believe this!" That's how I feel right now, and I even heard it firsthand.

I just got Care Bear from preschool and her teacher tells me, "we did things a little differently than what it says on her care sheet (being the paper she brings home each day that talks about what they did in preschool). Instead of having honey like it says since we're talking about bears, we made bear feces."


"So that's what she's talking about if she talks about bear poop." *giggle*

Me: Ohhhhkay!

So I ask our resident Care Bear about it. She's giggling. She tells me they had big marshmallows that you dip into the chocolate and they look like poop. There were also rice krispies and cookies, apparently. Sooooooo if you call and she starts chattering about bear poop, and you know she will, at least now you're in the know!

Here's a recent conversation while playing her version of "Go Fish" with Uno cards, too.
Carrie: Do you have any 3's? 'Cause I have two.
Me: Don't tell me what you have! Go fish.
Carrie draws a card: Ack! That's a 5!
Me: *smacks herself in the forehead*

And THEN, (this kid makes me nuts, I swear) she's playing Go Fish with Dada again before we leave for the Y last night. We are in the car and she tells me, "I need to go potty!" I say, "are you kidding me!?" And she tells me, "no!" So I ask if there is a potty in KidZone and she tells me yes. I tell her to go as soon as she gets in there. I pick her up an hour and a half later and she is DANCING, "I need to go potty!" "Did you go in KidZone?" "No!" "Ack! Why not!? Okay, let's go..." Silly girl didn't go at KidZone, needless to say. Who knew parenting would be so crazy? Even if someone had told me, I don't think I'd have believed them...

That's all for now. Have a great week. Tomorrow is over the hump day already- yay! =D

1 comment:

ConnieJ said...

LOL!!! Oh I love kids!! I tell you we will never stop laughing as long as their is a child around.
Be blessed sunshine!