Thursday, February 04, 2010

Occupational hazard

I asked Liam this morning what he wanted to be when he grew up. We were snuggling on the couch and I wanted to see what he'd say.

Mama: Do you want to be a teacher?
Liam: No. I want to be a ghost.
Mama, chuckling: Do you want to be a doctor or a nurse?
Liam: Nooo.
Mama: Or a firefighter or a scientist?
Liam: I want to be an alien.
Mama, laughing: Nooo, not an alien. You could be an astronaut though, and work in space. Or a scientist and study space. You'll like science. It answers all the questions like, "how come? What if? Why?" Like, if I poke you right here, what happens?
Liam laughs.
Mama: Oh, you laugh. Hmm, how about if I poke you right here?
Liam laughs longer.
Mama: Ohhh, you laugh more! How about here?
Liam giggles.
Liam: I like science!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

What a great story! I love all your little blurbs about your day w/the kids. They are amazing! MIss you :)