Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Am I the only one accosted during downward dog?

 Here's a snippet of my mornings. This is affectionately known as The Sitting Room. It nestles between the attic and our bedroom and bathroom. The brown door is a pocket door that slides into the wall. The sitting room and our bathroom have baseboard heaters, so we keep that door shut during the colder months for hopefully more efficient heating purposes.

The big red chair was brought up for my mastectomy recovery. I wouldn't have been able to sleep comfortably in bed with the surgery drains and all that so I slept in the chair for awhile. I voted to move it back downstairs but someone that I live with decided he liked it up there and so it has stayed. It is a nice napping spot, I have to say.

I was excited when Dada found the table and desk chair at an estate sale because I'd wanted somewhere to scrapbook since I have All The Things and needed a space to be able to lay it all out and think it through that the kids and/or dogs wouldn't mess with. That entire chest of drawers holds scrapbooking materials I inherited from my mother in law. Alas, making the time still is an issue. How much scrapbooking have I done? Exactly none, and that includes finishing the scrapbooking Bible study that I began before Damon was born. How old is Damon, you're wondering? He will be twelve in June. Twelve.

The bins, boxes, and bags are of various Christmas Stuff and even autumn stuff that is patiently waiting to make it back into the attic proper. It's just so cold in there that I hate to open that white door until it's a bit warmer, hence the traffic jam. Nana's Porch People, as I think of them, have been hanging out in a rocking chair in front of a tiny Christmas tree at the top of our stairs for months because they were damp when I brought them in and didn't want to stuff them in the attic before they'd dried out completely. Then they looked so chummy sitting together by the tree that I just left them there. However, this week they made it into The Sitting Room and now their cornstalk feet are encroaching on my yoga space.

You were wondering when I'd get back to the "morning" part; I didn't forget. I do 15 minutes of yoga the vast majority of mornings. I spread out my purple mat and follow along to the daily yoga videos on YouTube on my phone by SaraBethYoga. But today I noticed that wispy, tickly feet were touching me in the middle of my forward fold. It's a little distracting in an already tiny room that has been accumulating way too much Stuff. It's predicted to be 54 degrees tomorrow so I suppose I'll have to suck it up and do an attic run, putting bins and boxes and Nana's Porch People and my fun Christmas card mosaic away for the year. Well, okay, maybe I'll leave the mosaic because I like smiling at my friends.

So now you probably have a hilarious mental image of me in my pajamas doing Tree Pose, fending off Nana's Porch People, hiding out in my Sitting Room where there is less and less room to physically sit. I promise I'll clean, but I thought it was funny and thought maybe you would, too. Never any judgement coming from me about the state of anybody's house. Our big Christmas tree is still up!

And seriously, how does anybody do yoga in front of other people? I don't know if it's because I do it pre-breakfast and pre-coffee, but I am so gurgly and gassy and creaky and cracky that I sound like a box of Rice Krispies. AND I can't tell you how many times I've almost tipped over into the chair or how often I grab the wall. How many years do these people have to do this before they can do it confidently in front of other people? I'll stay in my Sitting Room, thank you very much. 

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