Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Y’all are gonna think all i blog about is butts…

 You know how when a toilet flushes oddly you make a mental note of it whether or not you follow up on it. I should have followed up on it. This happened, right into our basement:

Disgusterous, as they say in Roald Dahl's The BFG.

                            Then this also happened: 


My mother texted that we were “literally getting crap as the forecast”- see how prescient she is? Yes, Mom, but not in the way you were imagining…

Thankfully, God is so good that the Weather even held off until we were hosing all the segments off before we returned the rented auger thingie (can you tell I possess zero mechanical knowledge and vocabulary? This should have been obvious based on my previous post about removing the mower deck from the tractor). Liam was completely delighted that it was called an electric eel, haha!


PSA for today: always, always clean the hair out of your drain when you’re done bathing or showering. Granted, we also found Easter grass (which we don't even use) and small roots, but it looked like the main culprit was hair. 

Now we just gotta figure out the leaking into the basement part. We *think* it was only backwash from the overloaded drain but as there's no good way to check, we're not 100% sure. Someone needs to invent an endoscope for drains that people can rent!

Happy ending. Everything has been draining and flushing fine. We're making an appointment to have our septic tank drained just in case. Another PSA is your friendly reminder to not flush anything that doesn't come out of you yourself and TP. That's it. Flushable wipes aren't. Not when it comes to a septic system. Tampons also, sorry ladies, are a no-go. Thankfully our children are all old enough to be well past the "let's see if this fits down the toilet" stage as documented by Bill Cosby, to which my brother and I used to laugh ourselves silly.

All's well that ends well. Ha. Ha. Ha. 

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