Sunday, February 20, 2005

Lazy Weekend

We had a great, lazy weekend! We did nothing at all yesterday. The big kid & little kid who live here watched cartoons in the morning & we all read a lot. Today we went to church a lot earlier than usual for the new members' class, so Carrie got to play in the nursery for an extended while today! Then we had church, lunch at Cracker Barrel w/ Kyle, Derek, Shawn, Tom, Mike & Leeann. Next was off to Kroger for milk & gas (she crashed hard in the car... didn't wake up until she was inside!). She was really angry when we put her down again and didn't sleep long, so she's pretty on the edge tonight... very fragile feelings! Probably won't be up until 8 tonight. Right now she's climbing all over Scott, who is valiantly trying to read The Cat in the Hat as he resigns himself to jungle-gym! Here's some pictures... notice a central theme? She DID get into a kissing fit and covered his whole face and head w/ kisses- very cute! Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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