Friday, February 04, 2005

Sunny Day

Carrie's in the tub while Grandma supervises. We've just come in from playing outside in the sunshine. The weather channel online says it's 54 in Streator, so we had to take advantage of colored chalk, mudpuddles, and toy tractors. Couldn't resist! So now she's up to her elbows in new Elmo bubble bath and I can hear them giggling in there. They've been having a wonderful time together, and Grandma has even gotten some video footage of her mud-scapades! I don't have any pictures to add right now, but I'm sure there will be more later. The two of them are staying in tonight while Scott and I head to the Somerville's to celebrate Leeann Severe's birthday. So hooray for Girls' Night In! Hehe =) Have a great day1

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