Wednesday, February 23, 2005

New friend and fun w/ food

Last night Scott invited "the new guy" from the plant over for dinner. Chris joined us for broccoli chicken, rice, and carrot cake. After some initial shyness, Carrie had him charmed. He's an uncle to 3 nieces and a nephew, so he was no stranger to kids and she put him to good use as a jungle gym. He was so patient as she bounced all over him- I think she likes him!

She pulled an Andrew today at snack time. I'd given her a small ziplock bag of Cocoa Puffs, multigrain Cheerios, and Teddy Grahams around 11 AM. She comes bouncing into the kitchen, no baggie. I see it on the floor, empty, in the living room and I just KNOW she didn't eat at of it. Check out the picture to see where it went. Busted!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight she sampled some carrot & chicken ravioli from Gerber (I think) and she speared about half of them before deciding they weren't as good as she'd originially thought. You'd never know it from the pictures though- she looks as if they taste heavenly!

Scott's in Wisconsin, again, safe & sound. He'll be back Friday and she's been asking for Dada. But she pointed right to Friday on the calendar when we were talking about when he'll be back! Hehe! Have a good week. It's over the hump day!

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