Thursday, May 19, 2005


Grandmama got here safe & sound this time... no lost luggage. Yay! It's been hot & humid and we worked on sprucing up some garden areas around the house yesterday. They're still awaiting the flower seeds but we did get the icky old mulch out of the way. Carrie decided she wanted to help. We just about lost it laughing when she plopped herself down & started to bury her legs in mulch. Gotta get this kid to a beach!

I think Scott & I are headed to see Star Wars tonight while we have the offer of free babysitting from Grandmama ;) They've been thick as theives w/ Play Doh, sidewalk chalk, hairbrushes, and balls. I know they'll have a good time.

Sorry they're mostly of the same thing, but I think you'll enjoy the pictures anyway. Have a wonderful day!

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