Thursday, December 01, 2022

Maryland Thanksgiving 2022


Our kiddos only have five cousins and we are spread across multiple states, so when there's a chance to spend time together we try to seize said chance. What better time than Thanksgiving? Our Maryland branch offered to host this year, so the Ohio and Indiana branches did the driving. 

We played games including some amazing Pictionary. Last year the cousins filmed their own movie at ye olde Ohio homestead, so this year they wanted to make another in a different locale. New props, new roles, a willingness to be silly together. Such a neat tradition. These kids are so fun.


And of course there was far too much food. Lots of the traditional: turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, rolls. Then the specific-to-our-family favorites: Brazil nut dressing, sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole, many more pies, homemade ice cream (multiple batches, of course). There was a fair amount of joking beforehand regarding, "we could just skip all the sides and have turkey and dessert..." 
Or just dessert.

The adults had reservations to an escape room, my first. We got to do A Pirate's Adventure via The Escape Game which I highly recommend. We had a blast! The amount of detail those folks put into their experience made it incredible. They even allowed us a sneak peek at several of the other rooms. They all look fascinating, so if you're in the area be sure to check them out!

We were sad to leave and do the multiple hour drive home. Why is there never enough time with loved ones? 

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