Thursday, December 01, 2022

Trouble in getting to Solla Sellew

 There's been a road closure on one of the connectors between the town where we live and the town where we do a lot of life, haha. It was closed most of the previous school year and reopened in the spring, right before school was out for the summer. Then this fall it closed again. I've gotten so used to baja-ing around that it took me awhile to figure out the ROAD CLOSED AHEAD sign was missing yesterday. 

I should back up and say that Wednesdays are kind of nutty around here. Once I get up, have quiet time, do yoga, get Thing Three situated and onto the bus, I turn around and repeat with Thing Two who has his homeschooling co-op on Wednesdays. Since he isn't yet driving, I take him the 20 minutes or so away, trying to plot out the route that avoids most of the school traffic. Yesterday I also needed to get gas and groceries, hit Walmart, unload everything, get lunch, and return to the other town for my dentist appointment before picking up the manchild and returning home to figure out dinner. 

I was on my second trip north when I realized the sign was gone. "Hooray!" I thought. "I can go this way to pick him up!" I merrily began driving past my usual turn on which the dentist office resides and kept going for a few minutes before I realized, "waitaminute, I have the dentist FIRST and he doesn't need picked up for two more hours! Dang it!" I found a fun, half-moon driveway, apologized out loud to the people who live there for the crazy woman tearing through their driveway, and recaculated my way to the dentist's office. Sheesh. Order of operations! See? You DO use math concepts in the real world. Who knew? 

All that to say to whomever hears it that you are not alone- the holiday "I've lost my mind somewhere"-itis isn't only happening to you. And to those of you who are lonely or mourning or both, hang in there. Truly. You're loved and needed. Let someone know when you need a hug. Reach out, even though it's hard. If you're not, love on someone who is. Make this a terrific holiday season for yourself and for others. Happy December 1st!

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