Tuesday, December 06, 2022


 I wanted to find a fun font that resembles Liam's handwriting for this post since it's his funny quote, but apparently people don't make fonts called Illegible Scrawl or Chickenscratch. 

Pity. I could use it for half our family.

Anyway, it's a good thing that I personally scribbled this one down on the backside of an envelope at some point or it'd have been lost forever. I don't even remember how long ago he said it. We seem to have been discussing which dishes we'd need for dinner. 

Me: Go get some of the little tiny pudding dishes and-

Liam: There are no little tiny pudding dishes. You get a little tiny dish or a pudding dish.

My mind went two places as I typed that. 

First to the quote in A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin. Some of you have heard of Game of Thrones, yes? GoT is part of this series. There's lots of books and he's not done yet and he better not die before he finishes it, but that's another story. Circling back. I forget which book it's in and I'm too lazy to check, but there's a quote along the lines of "there are old sellswords and bold sellswords but there are no old, bold sellswords." I'm sure you can think of similar as there is nothing new under the sun and someone somewhere has probably already said a version of it. No tiny little pudding dish. Got it.

Secondly, I think Liam's right. I'm remembering summers at camp, specifically '94, when I must have eaten my weight in pudding during those 8 weeks. It never seemed to be enough. I had help! I didn't eat it all by myself; I vividly remember devouring it with my friends Kevin and Dan. You know how you have memories you wish you could revisit? That would be one of mine. One of my many, actually.

Now you've learned your lesson for today. One doesn't use little tiny dishes for pudding. Add some pudding (or whatever your favorite treat is) to your ongoing, neverending list and think of me when you get a minute to take care of yourself this holiday season. And please do take good care of yourself. Rumor has it kids are dropping like flies at the middle school thanks to the germs flyin' around. Get your rest and wash those hands! Bleah!

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