Sunday, December 25, 2022

Sugarplums... or something.

 There's been a lot of crinkling and rummaging around in the kitchen lately, and not by me. Also not by rodents, just to clarify, lest that be where anyone's frets went. My beloved husband was unsupervised in a grocery store and came home with bags of sugary cereal, so there have been delighted children chomping on Cocoa Pebbles and peanut butter Cap'n Crunch (formerly known around here as "pea-doh bud-doh Kix"). 

On the trip where I was unsupervised at a grocery store I picked up some chips (as well as an entire cartful of other things whilst a beloved husband did some specialty liquor shopping and it took much longer than both of us anticipated and I hadn't had breakfast), so those have been heard being crinkled in various locations by a certain twelve year old. Sometimes whilst under a blanket.

Last night I was on my way upstairs when I heard more intentional rummaging and spotted him prying open a canister. I assumed it was this one:

It holds what's left of the Muddy Buddies or Puppy Chow or whatever you call the sugared Chex mix. It also has a scoop inside, as you can see.

I reminded him to use the scoop and not just reach in. I told him to get a small bowl to put it in. I then went upstairs to do whatever I was doing.

I didn't discover until much later in the evening that he had, in fact, been digging into the actual sugar canister (that is on the stove awaiting its turn to make almond crescents) which also has a scoop inside. 

So Merry Christmas to everyone from my kid who eats sugar straight out of the canister and doesn't bat an eye. I guess, when compared to the sugary cereal, may as well cut out the middle man and go straight to the source!

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